Lidt om mig


Line Lovring Krægpøth, 24 years old soon 25, Danish and studie sports science at Copenhagen University

My earlier experience with outdoor life comes from the love for sports and doing sports outside, weather if it just was running in the woods or playing soccer in a field, but the outdoor sports became a big part of my life when one of my friends challenged med with attending in an adventure race in january 2012 – Kong Vinter. There I was mentally and physically «pushed» in 16 hours with running, orienteering, bike and run and Mountain biking among others!

This experience made me thirsty for more of this multi-sport, which combines competition and outdoors sport. I desired therefore to take 4 months on a sports academy (Idrætshøjskole) in  Zealand where I would be challenge the the knowledge of outdoor life and multi-sports. Through the 4 months I got challenged with climbing (Sardinia), MTB (Pumptrack, in the danish woods and in Sardinia), adventure races/Triathlon races, orienteering in different environments and basic outdoor life (camp life and on the lakes).

After the 4 months it wasn’t enough, so I continued in 6 months with Telemark free riding (2 months) and a Sports Science preparing corse (4 months) and in september 2013 I started, at the University of Copenhagen. At the uni I have had basically danish Friluftsliv in the woods and lakes for 2 months with the sport science study.