8. Monday Trip 20.0.17

On Monday the 20th of March our last Monday Trip took place. The organizing group had the free choice for activities. For the first time we did not meet at Jegersberg. We met at the entrance of Baneheia. The trip had the character of a normal weekend family hike. Because the Norwegians had just returned from a trip only two oft hem joined us. It was a sunny day and everybody seemed to enjoy the hike in a new environment. During the hike each of us had to collect three pinecones. After a short break we found out why. The group had organised a short game for us. It literally translates to “Pinecone-pooping”. For the game we were split into two groups. The teams were standing in to lines next to each other. About 20 meters away from the groups were to small containers. The aim of the game was to carry a pinecone between the butt cheeks and drop them into the container. The use of hands was forbidden. For each pinecone in the container the team gained a point. After dropping the pinecone and running back to the group the next person in line had a chance to gain a point. Although the game seemed ridiculous and childish it was great fun for the whole group to see everyone struggle to hit the containers in weird positions. As a reward Kathrin had brought a piece of cake for everybody. After that we continued our hike. We reached at pick nick area next to a lake and decided to take a lunch break before returning to the city. The to groups from before had a competition in building a tower out of dry wood in order to find firewood in a playful way.  After that we sat together and enjoyed the sun and our lunch. Some of us even took the opportunity to go for a swim in the lake. After lunch we hiked back and parted our ways in the city of Kristiansand.