3. Trolltunga Trip 04.05.-07.05.17

Trolltunga Trip 04.05.-07.05.2017



During the week from the second until the seventh of May we were supposed to organize another field trip in the coastal area. Kathrin, Simon, Berrit and me decided to attempt one of Norway most famous hikes close to Odda. The hike up to Trolltunga is with its 22 km length quite challenge. Due to the early time of the year it is supposed to be attempted with a guide. Because of our background and previous experience we decided to do the hike by ourselves in two days and camp in the middle. The plan was to drive to the start of the hike on Sunday and set up a camp close to the start and hike upt on Friday the fifth of May. We estimated that we would need about five to six ours for the hike and about four to five on the way back on the following day. In order to be prepared we had to consider the weather forecast. The weather was supposed to be very sunny and warm with temperatures around the 20 degrees in the valley and about 10 at the top. We expected wet snow, which would be hard to walk in and also make it necessary to have spare clothing and shoes. Snowshoes or ski might be an option but we decided to hike just with our boots instead.


We agreed and the following items as gear:

Group gear

Tent for four people


2x Storm kitchens

Red spirit/ Gas



Personal gear

2x Pairs of shoes

2x Pairs of socks

2x Sets of Underwear

Clothing for warm and cold conditions

Rain jacket

Avalanche Gear







Sleeping mat

Sleeping bag



Head torch




We started the hike on the 5th of May around two o’clock. The start was quite steep and we proceeded slowly. After the first hour we got to a higher flat part, which was already covered in snow. The rest of the walk was always through snow. After one more steep part we only had small hills on the way. The sun was quite strong and we had to cover our arms and legs with our clothes to prevent getting sunburn. During the hike we took several breaks. Not only the snow but also our heavy backpacks made it an exhausting trip. We reached our destination we enjoyed the beautiful view and set up our tent. Although we had intended to biwak outside under the stars the wind was to strong without a shelter and we moved into the tent. The falling day we started to descend at eleven. The snow was much more wet and our shoes were soaking wet after a while. Many tourist groups attempted the hike on that day. When we got to the last steep part of the hike we discovered that the melting snow had actually created a strong stream that crossed our path. We needed some time to figure out a way to pass it and then assisted other hikers. Finally back in the valley we enjoyed the sunny weather and our successful trip. On the way home we tented half way through close to a beautiful river area, which we had found on the way up. Despite the plans of doing a hike in that area we continued our way to Kristiansand due to the lack of information on hiking trails in that area. The next time we certainly would plan more detailed.