About Me

My name is Max Pooch. I am twentyfive years old and I grew up in a small suburb of Cologne. Since 2014 I study at the German Sports University of Cologne and attend the bachelor programme B.A. Sport, Adventure and Expressive Movement.
Last year I was offered to opportunity to apply for the Outdoor Education and Nature Guiding programme at the University of Agder in Krisitansand Norway.

I had been eager to discover Norway and the special relation Norwegians have towards their country for many years. I just could not miss out on this chance and was thrilled when I finally got the letter of acceptance, although it meant beeing away from the beautiful City of Cologne, my family, girlfriend and friends.
However one of them came along with me to Kristiansand. As it happens a close friend from university got also accepted for the programme and so we decided to buy our own little wreck of a car and drive all the way up the the north.

This is where our journey begins.