My Week of Socializing

It’s been more then a week now since I left Cologne and drove up to Kristiansand. The first days were mainly socislizing and getting to know the other internationals and our buddys. On the Friday we had a general Introduction to the University by the suprisingly German Rector. After that we discovered the campus. For the weekend there was a Party planned at Ostisia, the Pub located within the University itself. We got instroduced to the Norwegian custom of preparties. However since alcohol isn’t affordable in this country everybody stays sober for parties.
On the next day we could discover the city center of Kristiansand. Kristiansand has a really nice small city centre with lots of small shops and cafés.
On Monday we finally met our lecturer Len who will teach us for most of the semester. After one day of Introducing ourselves we already started with some theoretical lessons on Outdoor Education, Friluftsliv, camping, fishing, hunting and so on.
Seems like we will have many things to learn within this term.