5. Power Test 27.02.2017

The fifth monday trip was again organised by the norwegian friluftsliv students. The topic of todays trip was “Power Test”. After the group walked up to Jegersberg together we were seperated into four different groups consisting of 6-7 people. The organising group had set up four stations with different tasks that all had to be finished as fast as possible.

  1. Filling up a bucket with water from a lake only with our body
  2. Taking terms carrying stones from point A to point B
  3. Setting up a Tippie
  4. Taking terms in carrying each other for a certain distance

Within our team we had a great atmosphere right from the beginning and a high motivation for the tasks which increased with every task. I had the feeling that the international and the norwegian class grew closer over the last weeks and got more comfortable with each other. After the four task we had a long break around to campfires. The internationals and norwegians also were much kore mixed up with each other during the breaks than the weeks before. During the breaks we had lot to talk about since the norwegians did’t have class the last three weeks and spent the time travelling and we had been our self-orga ized ski trips. The long break offered a great chance of exchanging the experiences everybody had made.
After the break the teams competed against each other in a tug of war tournament. Everybody seemed highly motivated and our team was happy to win the tug of war tournament and also the overall tournament. During the whole time it felt like everybody in our team put all their effort in the task which led to a good group cohesion. Furthermore our team was helping each other out and cheering eacht other on.
After all those tasks we had some time left so the organisation crew suggested to play a game. Two people hid in the forrest closed their eyes and loudly counted down from ten to zero. Then they opened their eyes again. The aim of the others was to run towards the two while they are counting down. If the two did recognize one of the others and shouted their name they lost. It wa a great game to playfully get to know each other and use different natural shelters to hide behind.