1. Overnights Trip Jegersberg 01.02.17

First overnight trip Jegersberg

On the first of February our first overnight trip in Jegersberg took place. The idea of the trip was to stay in the local area of Jegerberg and set up a shelter with a tarp. It was a good practise for upcoming trips since we just had learned how to set up shelters and make fires. Additionaly to the shelter building activities we were divided in several groups by our nationalities and had to organise different group dynamic games.


Before we left for the trip we started a short lecture on how to pack our backpack. What should we always bring? And how should we pack it?

The general idea when we pack a rucksack is to have the heaviest gear in the center close to our spine. Gear that we use quite often should be somewhere where it is easily accessible.



After that Len took one of our bags as an example and emptied it. He told us what we would definitely need to bring on a trip and advised us on examples what to leave at home. Some of the Gear we should always carry with us:



-Nuts/energy bars
-Spare hat

-Waterproof jacket/pants
-First aid kit/repair kit
-Extra clothing
-Sleeping bag/mattress
-Fire lighting box
-Head torch


Then we started to walk towards our campsite. Beforehand we had split up in groups that would share a shelter. I was in a group with Simon, Timon , Bowen and Richard. To set up our tarp we agreed on a flat location next to a lake with only few trees around. Although the lack of trees made it a challenge to set up the tarp we choose this place for its beautiful view over the lake. We considered that a windy night next to the open surface of the lake would make the night much colder, but trusted our sleeping bag and our shelter to keep us warm.


Soon after we started playing the following group dynamic games:


– Rubber Chicken Rounders
– “Chocolate relay” game (Switzerland)
– Human puppet train
– Simon says

– Titanic
– Orange-transportation-relay and spider net

– The amazing Maze


Len awarded the most creative games with points. The winners had an advantage in the next task of the day. The task was to create one dish within 20 minutes. The ingredient could be picked. The winners of the group dynamic games had the first choice.

Richard, Simon, Timon and me crated a spicy chicken dinner within the time. We ended up winning the cooking competition an shared the chocolate with the whole class. It was astonishing to see what the others had cooked and everybody took a bite from each meal. This task showed us that we do not need a lot of time to create a good and fresh meal in the outdoors.

The rest of the evening was spent around the campfire playing games with the whole course.