Kayak Daytrips on Otra and to Ny-Hellesund- 2th & 18th of May
This semester we had to days of kayaking. On the first day we had a short training day on Otra and learned the basics. For me and the rest of the class it was the first time kayaking this semester. On the second day we made a long daytrip with the kayaks in the area of Tangvall, and had the chance to improve on our techniques we learned on the first day.
First Daytrip (Monday, 2th of May):
We met 9:15 at the rowing club of Kristiansand. First every one of us grabbed a paddle and Len showed us on land how to hold it (shoulder wide) and the basic forward stroke. He told us that this movement is similar to a punching movement and that we don’t pull the paddle through the water, we push it with the opposite hand. When we do the forward stroke it’s important, that the most strength comes from the torso and the hips, otherwise we would be tired soon. Then Len showed us how we should sit in the kayak. With straight body, feets on the paddle with heels together and the toes against the kayak. The Knees also should press against the kayak, for a better control of the kayak.
After this we were ready to go on the river. First we did some balancing exercises to get a better feeling of the kayak, tried the forward stroke and learned what we should do when we lose the balance. When this happens you should tap the paddle with the flat side on the water.
Then we started our tour on the river. First Len showed us how to build a raft. You can build the raft in many situation (short breaks on the water, leader wants to talk to the group, rescue etc.) and mainly ensures that the group stays together. Then we build two rafts and the persons in the outer kayaks had to switch places. This showed us how much stability you gain when you do the Raft and I felt a more confident since I never sat in a kayak before.
Len showed us how we can do a quick turn, because normally the Kayak is meant to go straight and the turns take quite long. To turn quicker you lean to the opposite site you want to go and you also can use more power on this side.
After this Len showed us a fast way to rescue a capsized person. The nearest person should paddle as fast as possible to the kayak in a 90° angle. Then the capsized person can grab the other kayak in the front and turn himself around. While this the others should build a Raft, because when the capsized person left his kayak, it’s important to get him fast out of the water. We also need to get the water out the Kayak. Therefor someone take the kayak in the front hand pull ti in a 90° Angle over his own kayak. In the case of a rescue, it is important that everyone takes the initiative on does his job. The worst is when everyone waits till someone other dos something.
On the way back we did a slalom to practice and try out the thinks we learned. When we can’t avoid an obstacle like a stone we should lean towards it and not try to push us away.
In the end every one of us had to capsize. The first think you do is to open the spry deck. Then you should knock three times on the sides of your kayak to get the others attention. When you leave the kayak you should keep hold to your paddle, then you swim in front of you kayak and keep hold of it too. Especially when the drift is strong you should never lose contact to you kayak
Second Daytrip (wednesday, 18th of May):
Our starting point was the Pradisbukta. For me it was the first time kayaking on the sea. Every one of us got a sea map and we went through the important things which can see on the map, like lighthouse, underwater cables, main fishing lane, depth of the water, stones etc. When we left the bay and the wave hit my kayak the first time, I felt very unstable and unconfident again, but very soon. Luckily the wind on this and the past days wasn’t strong, so that the waves were very small. On this day every one of us led the groups once and took the role of the leader and had to use the map. The most of us paddled in the front while leading, but Len told us that it’s also good to paddle in the back, because of a better overview of the group. But therefor you need to know exactly where you want to go and the most of used the sea map the first time. In the end of the day Joey decided that he wants to capsized, so that we can practice the rescue. The first try was very unstructured and took us quite long. In the second try Dom also capsized, while trying to paddle near to joey. That’s why we needed to rescue two students. This rescue was a bit better than the one before, but we waited again to long before acting and I think we didn’t talked enough to each other.
On this trip I learned basically how to Kayak and improved my skills especially on the second day a lot. I learned much about Sea maps and used them the first time. We also took the role of the leader and got some experience in leading on a kayaking trip. I think it was very good, that we had the chance to experience a rescue, so that we found out, how we react in a situation like this.