About me!

Hi my name is Miriam Bruttel and I´m 24 Years old. I come from the south of Germany a village called Gaienhofen at the lake of Konstanz. I study to become a secondary school teacher. My Subjects are Music, Biology and Technology. I study since August 2014 in Kristiansand in Norway. The first Seminar a visited a course called Norwegian Education and Culture (NORSEC). This Semester I´m studying Outdoor Education and Nature Guiding. In this Blog you can read about my Experiences and Adventures during this course.

Most of the People who read this blog know me. They know that I´m a really chatty person and writing is not my strange either in German or in English. That’s way I Focus in this blog more on the practical Tips and Tricks I learned in this course then on the Daily experience. But you will find some information about the Trips as well.

For all of you who want to get more information, listen to some story or have a look in my Phonebook I created feel free to contact me. Miri.Bruttel@web.de