First day trip with the Norwegian students 12.01.2015










A typical Norwegian family/Sunday trip. Focus on campfire, grilling, icebreaker activities. Get to know the international students.


Preparation Post:


“Hi guys!


Monday 12.01.2015, meet us outside Spicheren 09:15.


Where: Jegersberg, take with the Jegerberg map you got today.


What you got to take with you:


– Warm clothes
- food: hotdogs/sausages, kvikklunsj, orange
- drinks
- backpack
- knife”




We met at Spicheren and walked to the green area in Jegersberg. The group explained the tradition of the Sunday trip in Norway. Every Sunday the families go for a hike in the nature. They take lunch or make a campfire with their children. It is common to do this no matter what the weather is like. The group leaders behaved as if they were parents taking us on a Sunday trip. To mix up the international and Norwegian students we played tug of war and of course our group won. The game helped to get in touch with new people. After this we followed our parent-guides to the mountain “Den Omvendte Båt”. Before we reached the top, we had a “kvikk lunsj” and orange break and of we signed into the summit register. Eating this on a Sunday trip is common too, as we learned. We continued our journey. On the top of the mountain we were told a story about the mountain’s history during WWII.








The plan was to make a campfire on the mountaintop but due to the weather conditions the group changed it. So we went down to the lake and searched for a wind-sheltered area. We lit a fire with the wood we brought with us (each of us carried one piece). We made sausages and stick-bread on the fire which is a Norwegian tradition.

Finally we went back to Spicheren and everybody walked home happy and relaxed.




(Map from the Area where we was)

Learning outcome:

Norwegian traditions and culture

Get in contact with the Norwegians

Historical background of the area


For me this Day was nothing really special because of my study last semester. The Norwegian tradition to go out into the Nature on Sundays was not new for me and also the walk to the “Den Omvendte Båt” was not my first time. But it was a nice idea to start into our “Monday trip” tradition and for all the other international students was it completely new. It was also nice to see that everybody was in a good mood though the weather was not really good. –There is no bed weather only bed cloth! –. Furthermore I really enjoyed spending the time Outdoor and coming in contact with the other students