Self organized Day Trip with the Norwegian Students 18.02.2015









Operation Plan:


Group A: Will, Sharon, Katja, Flurin, Ste, Roman, Daniel, Miriam, Jochen, Osvaldas, Adele


1  Meeting: spicheren 9:15h


2  Adele will teach a name game on the way to Jegersberg


3 Students will be split into two groups and learn each other’s names to start the day and get to know the other Norwegians names on their team.


4  Name Games: ball name gave with Set, stick game with Sharon


5  Sharon/ Katja will give rules, and the teams will have 5min to hide their flag.


6  Boundaries for capture the flag will be marked on the Jegersberg map that all students have been given. Will / Daniel/ Roman


7   Flurin/Miriam in charge of fire for lunch- smores


8  Reflection: look at the shelters and analyse why people built them the way that they did and the location.


Ref: Ste, Sharon, Roman, Adele


Jail break: Build a shelter that will be judged at the end of the day


Learning outcomes for the day:  getting to know each other better, introducing competiveness to Norwegian students, learning a new game, trying a different cultures food.


Planning the trip:


We had little time to plan the trip after we heard about it on Friday. It wasn’t clear that our group had to organize this trip. However we managed to meet on Monday evening. After a short brainstorming we decided to focus on bringing the Norwegians and Internationals closer. As we didn’t know any of the other group’s names, we decided to start with name learning games. The theme of our trip was to show some of our international outdoor traditions. Hence we decided to play “capture the flag” which is a competitive game between two groups and popular to be played in different countries. To keep the prisoners from being bored we added the new rule of building your own prison like a shelter.


In the end of the day we included a US-campfire-tradition which is a snack called “s’more”. It’s made out of grilled marshmallows, chocolate and crackers.


 Realization of the plan:


The name games helped each other to get in contact. In the end most of the people knew all of the names. If we would repeat learning the names at the beginning of each following trip we should manage to know everyone. Knowing one’s names is important for a good communication in the group.


Splitting the people up into two groups took some time because it wasn’t clear how many referees were needed. Next time we should decide on how man we need before or we could stop having referees if the rules are clear. Additionally a lot of people became confused by the rules because we didn’t agree on them in the first hand. Defining the exact rules during the planning meeting can improve this.


However after a short first round everyone got the rules. Hence we played a really funny second round for about 90 minutes.


We adapted our plan to the circumstances thus we skipped the part with building shelters. None of the prisoners was captured for a long time so nobody got bored.










Finally making the s’more around the campfire was a great activity to get everyone involved and closer. Norwegians and Internationals enjoyed the lunchtime together.

All in all the aim of our trip to mix up the group and teach some International traditions was successful.