Third day trip with the Norwegian students 09.02.2015


Strength test. Physically arduous trip in the backcountry, with emphasis on map and compass work.

Preparation Post:

International friends! Meet outside of Spicheren at 0915 tomorrow.


Food + something hot to drink

Some rope

Proper boots to keep your feet warm and dry 
Something to sit on 
An extra pair of dry socks 
Pencil and paper 
Map of Jegersberg (if you have it) 
Something to keep your maps and paper dry

We’ll be on foot all day, so don’t put on too many layers, and bring something to keep you hydrated and your energy up.

The weather forecast says it’s going to be raining all day so your outfit should at least be water resistant/proof.


We walked to the „Øvre Jegersbergvann“ close to a dam and were divided into 4 groups. The groups were competing against each other in an orienteering race. The plan was for each group to reach four places in the area around Jegersberg (map: 4,6,11,14). Every station contained a task, which had to be done. Afterwards the group had walk back to the main meeting point. There they were told were to go next. Every group had to pass the stations in a different order.

Learning Outcome:

Map reading

Carry an injured person downhill

Norway’s highest mountain: Galdhøpiggen (2469 m)

Different ways to build a fire: star, pyramid, parallel, tepee

Name nocturnal animals: rabbit, deer, fox and hamster

Endurance in rainy weather


This Day trip I don´t enjoyed as the others. This has several reasons. First of all I think the weather has upset my plans. I know “there is no bed weather only bed cloth!” but at this Day I realized that my cloth is not good anymore and I got totally wet and cold. Another way it was not as good as the other trips was my group. The Norwegian students only talked Norwegian, decided everything by there own without telling us, and they where always running away without watching after the rest of the group. And the last reason for me was the planning of the Day we always had to walk back to the same place so we walked the same path more the 8 times and that killed my motivation totally.

All in All i would say the idea to make an orienteering competition was nice but several negative reasons had a negative effect on my mood at this Day. So i did not learned anything at this Day and that’s way my group broke up this competition and went home for a worm shower.