Norwegian Kindergarten visite 16.03.2015


Pressheia Barnehagen:


Facts about the Kindergarten:


The Kindergarten we visited is Private Kindergarten named Læringsverkstedet Presteheia. They started up in the summer 2003 with 3 groups of children and 13 adults. Today they have 5 Groups with total 115 kids and 27 adults who are working there. (35 places for children with age 1-3 years; 80 for children with age 3-5 years).


The Group we visited is a nature group. They meet in the Kindergarten every day, but they are going out in the forest 4 times a week. They are leaving the Kindergarten at around 9.30 and retuning at around two o’clock.




They have made their own place with a little hut and a fireplace in Jegersberg. The kids do not have any toys, they made some play-apparatus with robes and wood but except oft that the kids are playing only with the things they can find in the nature.








The Role of the Leader:


The roles’ of the leaders during the day was to make sure that the children are in a safe environment. Safe does not mean


to forbid them to climb in the trees it means top e there when the kinds needed them. For example, one kid was climbing up the tree and got pretty high and the leader just walked past the tree and looked up at him, she saw that the kid was happy. Teaching methods are mostly all gained through the children’s trial and error with the activities they do. After 1,5 hour they had one lesson consisted of sitting in a circle and singing some songs in Norwegian and telling a story. When it was lunchtime the leader laid out 5 sleeping mats in different areas for the children to sit on while eating their lunch. So you can say the role of the Leader is more a observation role the a really active leading role.





The role of the Children:

The Kindergarten focus on children’s playing. They mean that the best way for children to learn language, social behaviour and preparing to go to school is by playing.


The children have time to play and decide what they want to do, with frames giving by the adults. The only rule is that the Kids have to stay inside the boundaries set out from the adults.