3) 22.02.2015


  1. We got up at 8.30. We tried to make a fire but it was difficult because the wood was wet and frozen. Also cooking with gas did not worked because we forgot to worm the gas during the night. –> Finally we managed to light a fire to make breakfast and tee (luckily we had water out of a river).
  2.  At 12.20 at last we started skiing.
  3. We changed the plan an stayed on the Ski track because of the snow conditions.
  4. The weather was nice and we where faster then we thought so we skied 2 km more the we originally planted.












▪   At 16.30 we arrived at a nice spot where we build up our tent. –> The weather forecast for the night was really bad (snow and a heavy wind) –> we diced out a hole and put up the tent in the shelter. –> It was not as cold as I aspect during the night.













▪   This evening we had to melt snow because we could not find a water source.

▪   At 19.30 we already went to sleep.


▪   Weather: in the morning it was snowing lightly; later the sun came

▪   Distance: 11km –> most of the time flat

The snow was like the day before