4) 23.02.2015


1  This morning we got up at 9 o´clock

2  We only made breakfast because we know that we goanna make a break in Nordseter where we can fill up our water bottles. –> We where surprised how well the cooker works when the gas is warm 🙂

3 Everything worked well this morning and we started skiing at 11 o´clock.

4  It was snowing heavily but during the night we got 20 cm of new Snow –> at the beginning we could not see the Ski track anymore.


  • At 12.20 we arrived a small cafe in Nordseter.
  • Hot chocolate; Cinnamon Roll; Toilette; warm Water –> Just lovely 🙂
  • At 2pm we left with renewed strength and courage the cafe
  • Everybody from us had to carry 3 peace of wood for the oven in the Hut. –> The backpacks where really heavy.
  • The last part of the Way was steep uphill. And we had to find or own Way with Map and compass –> there is no Ski track through the top of the Nevelfjell
  • The Weather got totally bad –> Windy; icy, foggy –> we nearly gave up because we could not find the Hut.
  • But the feeling was amazing when we found it!

  • We lighted the fire in the oven and the huts get nice and warm. –> We tried our clothes, the tent and all the other wet stuff.
  • We cooked a nice dinner and had a beautiful evening in a war and cosy hut.