5) 24.02.2015




  • Because of the snowstorm and the Fog outside we hat to change our plans.
  • The plan was to drive down to the Village and bring up more wood for the oven. And we also wanted to build a Snow hole.
  • But we could not ski down to the village and even for a snow hole we did not hat enough snow at the top of the mountain –> the wind blows the new snow away.
  • Sleeping, Thinking, writing dairy and drinking tee was the new plan! –> Totally relaxing!!
  • To stay this day in the hut was the best decision. We all needed a day off to have some time for our self and getting new energy
  • It was not that warm then at the evening before because we did not had any wood left but in the sleeping bags it was warm an cosy.

New Plan:

  • Today: Chill Day
  • Tomorrow: Skiing through the shelter we spend the first Night
  • The day after: visit Lillehammer Ski stadium and Ski jump Ski back to the city and drive back home