6) 25.02.2015


  • We got up at 8 o´clock. We had breakfast and packed our stuff.
  • At 9 we started skiing.
  • To ski downhill was scary. We could not see anything and it was steep and frozen.
  • But it got better and better and in the forest on the bottom to the mountain the snow was amazing –> 50cm new snow 🙂

  • After on hour we found the Ski track. –> We where really happy that we managed the challenge.
  • Map and compass work –> Check 🙂
  • After another 45 min we arrived in the small cafe. –> Brush teeth; Fill up the weather bottles with fresh water; hot chocolate and a cinnamon roll 🙂
  • At 12 we left the the cafe because he had to ski a long distance today.
  • It was a nice skiing track and in the evening the sun came out.
  • At 16.20 we arrived the shelter.
  • We build up the tent and lighted a nice fire.
  • It was a nice, mildly night.
  • At 20.30 we went to bed.
  • Weather: In the morning it was really bad but it got better and better
  • The snow was amazing –> 50cm new snow but in the morning even our hardest wax was to soft and during the day it got to warm that our softest wax was not soft enough :/
  • Distance: 17.5km