9) Reflection

  • Group dynamic Process before the trip and after:

    Before we went to our trip we already did a lot tougher especially Adele and i and Jolinda and I. But I think Adele and Jolinda do not had that much to do together. The Beginning of the Planning process was a bit difficult how I managed before but we managed to come together and we started our trip in a good mood.

    The first real ski day was full of misunderstandings and unwanted personal boundary overruns. But important was that we talked about it and everybody felt free to say his or her own opinion.

    During the trip it gets better and better and we helped each other and learned to accept each other.

    At the end we where a really good team and worked hand in hand 🙂

    ▪   Execution of the trip:

    How I managed early we had to change our plans.

    First we had to stay on the Ski tracks the first day because of the bed conditions of the snow. We also had to stay on day in the Hut and we had to skip the Trip around the lake because of the weather.

    But we always felt the best decision and we can finishes our trip.

    ▪   Challenges:

    – Three Girls together for 6 Days

    – Sleeping in the tent in the snow

    – Carrying a really heavy bag pack

    – Skiing in every kind of weather

    – Weather

    – Cooking in winter

    – Navigation with map and compass

    – Lighting a fire with wet and frozen wood


    For me nearly everything on this trip was a challenge …But I did it!!

    ▪   Learning Outcomes:

    – I´m able to ski 6 Days with a heavy bag pack.

    – I have now ideas what kind of food I can take with me and how much I need

    – I found out was stuff I really have to take with me next time and what stuff I can leave at     home

    – I will never forget anymore to keep the gas warm

    – I know that my equipment is really got except of my sleeping bag –> i will get a new one   before we are going to the next trip!

    – I learned how important it is to tell the others of the group if you need some help

    But I think the most important thing is that I’m not afraid of the Mountain safety trip anymore!

    All in All I would say our trip was full of experience, Challenge and Fun; We had every kind of weather and temperature we could imagine; and we really Managed the trip together! 🙂