









In the Week 9 we had to organize a Trip by our selves in preparation for the mountain safety field trip in Week 13.The aim for this Trip was to improve the Skiing skills, Increase the daily distance and increase the weight we have to carry.


This sounds easer then it was. First we had to split us in small groups, we had to find a region where we want to go through and we have to organize the howl Trip exactly…


I was talking about this Trip with Adele and we decided to go to Lillehammer together. Why Lillehammer? Adele was there before with a study group from Germany. –> She knows the region! This Fact makes the Organisation easier and the Trip safer.


During our first planning steps Jorlinda Joined our Group. –> Region and Group CHECK!


Next step was to plan the Trip.


We decided to drive to Lillehammer with the Train because we found a really cheap offer. We played only 550 Kroner for both ways.


During the Planning we tried to work all together but it was not always fair between us. Adele and i we had the Idea and we started to plan before Jolinda joined the group. We had a lot of Ideas in our Minds and i think it was first hart for Jolinda. But when we did the exactly Rod plan and the Preparation plan we included her and we worked all harmonic together. Next time i think it is really important that we explain every detail to the other Members and try to include them from the first moment on.


The finish Plan: Skiing Trip to Lillehammer preparation plan


Next step was planning, buying and preparation of the Food.


Breakfast: we created our own Porridge with Banana chips, raisins, dried fruits and oatmeal –> 7 Big spoons pro person each day


Lunch: soups, nuts and some chocolate  –> one hand nuts and 7 peace’s of chocolate each day


Dinner: 1) precooked pasta with vegetables 2) soup with lenses potato and carrots 3) Curry rise with broccoli 4) tomato soup with cous cous 5) Mashed potatoes with fried onions and cheese


After some time everything was divided fair between us the food was prepared and the backpacks where packed!