Skidaytrip Jegersberg 22.01.2015


Writing my first Assignment in English is nearly the same challenge then my first try to go skiing. Cross-country Skiing is really a funny and eventful activity. But it is also hard work in the beginning. You need a lot of Body control and a good endurance.

Thursday the 22end of January was my second time on Cross-country Skis. It was a nice sunny day and the ground was covered with nearly 15 cm snow. We met all together at 9.30 before Spicheren and walked to Jegersberg. The first task was waxing the skis and driving around. After the Lunch we stayed on one place and got some task to get a better body control like driving on one Ski. Later on we had the opportunity to make an own organized tour around the lakes or drive with Len our teacher a smaller round. After 5 hours skiing I was totally tired but really happy and relaxed.

The area: The area Jegersberg was chosen because of the snow-covered ground and the bridge tracks. This was necessary for our big group. The tracks where at the beginning flat that was good to improve our techniques before going downhill ore uphill witch is more complicated. Later on the Day when we had our little ski course the area had a little hill to practice downhill driving. The hill was not really steep and we had enough space to feel save to try every task we got.

The role of the (vei) Leader: At the Beginning the teacher was in an encouraging teaching position. We could move around without any instructions. This learning by doing was good for us to find out how the skis felt and how we have to react. After Lunch he gave us basic instruction with demonstrations, enough time to try it by ourselves and to look how the others are doing it. The Day was organized as a day to advance as for the basic Ski camp in Week 6. It gave us the change to improve our skills in a known and safe area. The Teacher showed us a way from the known to the unknown and from easy to the difficult. This is a good method to teach groups with different skills and levels because the teacher can give individual Tips and comments to everybody. And the Teacher gets a good overview about the individual skills.

Students: We are a completely mixed group with completely different backgrounds. Some of us know how to ski, some tried it one or two times before and for some it was totally new. This is one important factor another on is that we are a very big group with 24 students and we went all together skiing on this trip. This is a tow-aggravating requirement to learn skiing and improve skills. But I think the day was from the beginning until the end a positive experience fore all of us. Everybody got the chance to improver there on levels. Not only to get better in skiing was important on this day. We also got the opportunity to get to know each other better and come in contact. The day was also very good for our group dynamics.