2) February


Ski week in Evje

We started practicing our skiing skill in Evje in a outdoor centre called Troll Aktiv to get prepared for the Big Winter safety Trip at the end of March.

I stayed in a cabin with 5 guys that was already a challenge for it selves.

We did Day tours every day to practice our technique and to improve our endurance. Our group got decided into two groups one went with Len and the other on with Tim (the owner of Troll Aktiv).






This week was totally challenging for me not because of my skiing skills but because I was ill. I had to skip one Day and stay in bed and the other days where hard work for me. At the Morning it worked quite well but after the Lunch break I was always completely done. I was really happy that we stayed in cabins then it was the best feeling coming home having a shower and cook inside a nice dinner otherwise I think I had to skip the whole week.

We did not only learn a lot about different Ski techniques (à read more under Practical Information) we also got a lot Information about the area and the Nature around us. We saw tracks from different animals and learned a lot about orienteering in a winter environment.

But all in all we had a nice first week trip together. The Group was fantastic, we learned a lot not only on skis also from each other, we where in a nice landscape and had beautiful weather the whole week.





Third Day Trip with the Norwegian Students –>Orienteering in Jegersberg

–> read more under Assignments!


Self organized Ski trip to Lillehammer.

–>Read more about it under Assignments!