1) January


First Monday trip With the Norwegian Students. –> A typical Norwegian Sunday tour!

“A typical Norwegian family/Sunday trip. Focus on campfire, grilling, and icebreaker activities. Get to know the international students.”

Read more about it –> Assignments –> first Monday Trip with the Norwegian Students.


Today we got all our outdoor gear we will need from Len. And we had the first practical lecture Outdoors. –> How to build up the tens and what is a good Spot and why? –> Read more about it under Practical Information!


Private Trip to the Ski Resort in Hovden with Daniel, Jolinda, Moritz, Jannis and his Roommate.

The Boy wanted to go Alpine skiing and Snowboarding. Jolinda and I, we wanted to try to get some experiences on cross-country skis. Another reason whey I joined this trip was that I wanted to test my sleeping bag.

Because of a Snowstorm we did not reached Hovden. It was to much snow on the Streets and Jannis had no Snow chains for his car. We greyed to buy some but there was no shop where we could get some. So we had to sleep the first Night somewhere in the Way to Hovedn next to a small church on a Parking place. But I got the change to they my sleeping gear. On the next Morning we desired to drive back to Kristiansand. We wanted to stop somewhere and go for a hike or something similar. A Friendly woman in a tourist Information centre told us that there is another small ski resort near by. Finally we also got the opportunity to test cross-country skiing.

We had a trip witch was totally different then we thought but it was really funny!


Second Day trip with the Norwegian students. –> Group dynamic games.

Today we had a lot of fun and we got to know each other better. No only our group we also came in contact with some of the Norwegian students.


First skiing lecture. –> Ski waxing and the first practical trying.

The first Snow in Kristiansand! Len changed the plans and we went skiing for the first time. It was hard and challenging I felt down a lot of times. It is really not easy to keep balance particularly if it goes downhill. But our whole Group did a good job and everybody had fun.


First whole Skiing Day trip in Jegersberg

–> Read more about it under assignments!


We had a Day of so i decided to go to Baneheia with some other Students. We went on a small hiking tour. I totally enjoyed this day because it was the first time that we did something not in the whole group. It was so much easier for me to start a conversation with some others I did not really spoke a lot before. I prefer to be in smaller groups together.







First Overnighting with the Group in Jegersberg.

After we put up the tents we played some nice Group dynamic Games together. Every nationality had to present 2 different Games, which they know from home. I like to play those games and I learned some new ones at this day. Now I can teach those to my Scout kids at home. They will be also happy to play something new I’m sure.

After the Games we started a cooking competition. Every group got 3 different types of food and had to cook something nice out of it in only a few minutes. We got some Potatoes, carrots and chicken and we cooked a nice soup out of it.

Some of us tried the different types of food and we talked about it –> what is a good Food for a longer trip and why? –> Get more Information’s under Practical Information’s!

After the dinner we enjoyed the campfire with nice conversations, marshmallows and some tea.

We had to get up really early because we hat a lecture at 9.15 but we all did it in time and it was something new for me to sit in a classroom after a night outside in the Nature without having a shower before.