6) June


Sea kayaking and sailing

This week we had our last Trip. On Monday we meet at 10 a.m. and went kayaking in the River Oddra. We learned some basic techniques (–> read more under practical information) and the final exercise was to capsid once.

The sea kayaking with overnighting on a island we had to skip because of to strong wind and to high waves. So we had of on Thursday and Wednesday.

“Cancelled. Sea paddling field trip 02-03.

Due to inclement weather, see forecast below.

Tuesday increasing southeast strong gale force 9. Rain. Forenoon veering south force 6. Scattered rain showers. In the evening south force 5. Rain. Wave height : 2-3 m, early Tuesday morning increasing 3,5-4,5 m, from in the afternoon 2,5-3,5 m. Maximum wave height: 4-5 m, early Tuesday morning increasing 6-7,5 m, from in the afternoon 5-6 m.”

But the Sailing on Thursday was really nice. We had a really heavy wind and high waves but we all did it really good. Jolinda and i capsid once but that was a good experience especially for her because she was kind of afraid of it and afterwards she felt safer. For me the sailing was also challenging because I never sailed on a catamaran before and I fist had to find out how to act and what to do. But I had a lot of fun and it was really nice to go sailing again now I miss it a lot and I hope I will get the opportunity at home again.