5) Mai


Field trip to Helleviga.  Teaching/Veileding practice and organisation with Tangen College students.

We stayed 4 Nights in Helleviga and 3 different school classes came and we did Outdoor education program with them.

We had 10 Different stations and on every station the pupils had to do different tasks. For example canoeing, orienteering, group dynamic games, building a stretcher…

The whole thing was organized as a completion.





For a lot of us that was the first time that we really had to act like leaders. We organized everything by our selves and we had the responsibility. That was a good change to find out if being a outdoor guide mind be a good job for us/me.

And Yes this Week was really Funny and I totally enjoyed it to motivate the Pupils. I hope I can find a Job in Germany to do more Outdoor education with children in my future.


Coastal course Randøya.

This Trip was one of the best Trips so far.

“Fishing and nets, rowing boats, kayak, deep and shallow water biology.”

This week we spend all together with the Norwegian students. The teachers split us up into 4 Groups mixed with the Norwegians and us.

The Week was full of Program every morning from 9.30 until 12.30 and every Afternoon from 12.00 until 16.30.

I was in Group 2 and we started with Sea Biology on the first day. We got wetsuit’s and some other equipment to collect different animals and plants in the shallow water. One of the Norwegian students explained us afterwards what we found and some interesting facts and Info’s about the different founds.














In the evening we also got a lecture about the History of this Island. About the Germans in the War and how they used this spot. The Highlight was the Bunker and the control station in the Mountain.

On the second Day we went snorkelling in the Morning. I had a lot of fun during this and we saw a lot of different and interesting animals and plants. We also got some information’s about the different animals and plants. We learned what kind of seaweed you can eat and how to cook snails.














In the Afternoon we leaned how to fish with a net and sourced for good spots and put out the nets as well.

The following night was the night where we hat to survive on an island only with our Daypacks. First I was really afraid of this night but it was actually a really nice night. We went fishing and made a campfire. And when you ley really close together you keep each other warm and we all survived this night well.













The third day was kind of a chill day for us. in Morning we put our net in and checked what we caught. We learned how to clean the nets and make them ready for the next grout and how to make fish filet.









On the Afternoon we went on a motorboat and learned to navigate on the sea.







After this Day I was really tired and i went to bet really early. –> The night before we all did not set so much.

On Thursday morning we went on a little tour with the rowing boats. First I was not really happy about this rowing is not my favourite kind of boat but after a wile we found our rhythm and then it worked well and was actually funny.













In the Afternoon we went sea kayaking. it was my first try and at the beginning I was really afraid of it. But in the evening after the lecture one of the Norwegian guy helped me and I had the opportunity to capsized in a save environment and after that I lost my fear about the kayaking.









On the last Day we went sea kayaking again and today I really enjoined it.









At around 2 p.m. after we cleaned everything we left all together the island and went home.

All in all that was as I wrote earlier the best Trip so far. We learned a lot and had a lot of fun together. But the best thing was that we get to know each other especially the Norwegian really well. Sad that that was the last real trip all together.


Self organized Trip to Lofoten

Camping alone was my last big challenge of this semester. First I wanted to go hiking in the Auerlandsdalen but there is still to much snow so I had to find something else. Accidentally I found out that this week will be the first night of 24h of sun on the Lofoten so I decided to go there. In the winter I had 24h darkness there and I wanted to see the opposite as well. That’s way I booked the flight.

The first night I spend on the island Værøy. This Island is popular for the Seabirds especially for the puffin. I spend the first real day with a hike around this island and with Bird watching. This hike was beautiful. I found white sandy beaches and spots with a nice view of the Lofoten Mountains.













The second Night I spend on the ferry to Moskeness. I arrived there at 3 o´clock in the morning. I walked to the next campsite put up my tent and slept another 5 hours.

During the next day I visited the fisher village and the museum on the southeast point of the Lofoten.




















In the evening I decided to hike up the Rainebringen because I wanted to see the midnight sun. I spent the night on the top of the mountain and enjoyed the beautiful few and the silence there. –> It is really a strange feeling to go hiking at midnight!!













On the Next morning I walked back to the campsite in Moskeness. On the Way I spend some time on the cost and enjoyed the nice weather.







But the best thing what happened today was that I saw Orcas approximately 50m next to the place I was sitting on the rocks. –> What a gorgeous feeling to sit there and see wales!!











On the next morning to cooked the ferry back to Bodö and the Flight to Kristiansand.







All in all I would say traveling alone is first a bit scary but you get to know so many different people so easily that it is on of the best way to travel.