3) March


Holmenkollen Ski festival in Oslo

This Weekend we got the opportunity to take part in the Ski festival in Oslo Holmenkollen. We went together with the Norwegian students.

At the first Day we visited the “Fram” Museum. I would recommend that to everybody who visit Oslo. All the Information´s are good to understand and really interesting. For me the best was to go on the original Fram ship and see how the people lived on such a ship. But also to see the Maps with the routs of the Ship and the simple clothes the people had to wear was really impressing for me. For me it was really had to imagine how hard that was for the people.

We also got the opportunity to visit the Holmenkollen ski Museum. In this museum the most interesting part for me was the Snowboard History. I like to go Snowboarding and a also like to teach other how to snowboard but I did not know a lot about the History.

For most of us that was a really nice weekend with a lot of new experiments. For me the Ski jump was the most impressive experience. I would never in my life ski down such a big Jump!!

But not only the Ski festival, the atmosphere from the people and the museums were nice also the campfire in the evenings, the Apple cake I the cafe and the good weather made this weekend special.






Kindergarten Observation

–> Read more about it under assignments!


This week for our self organized trip Miriam and I decided we would camp on Odderoya, as the water was good this seemed like a nice idea.

Day 1: We left home at around 4pm and walked to Odderoya, we found a good place to camp by the lighthouse. In the evening some friends came also as we had a camp fire together where we made dinner. We also got chance to do a bit of fishing but we didn’t catch anything! As  it wasn’t so windy, this meant we could stay warm in the night sat outside. We slept at around 11pm after everyone else left to go back home.

Day 2: In the morning we woke quite early as we knew we had far to walk. Once we put down the tent and packed our things we left Odderoya and walked back into the city where we would set off to Flekkeroya another beautiful island. Although we knew the direction to Flekkeroya we followed the map most of the way but we had to stay on main paths and roads as there was no hiking route to follow. This was not a problem but also not so enjoyable. We finally arrived on the island in the afternoon where Nadine (who lives there) met us and showed us to a good spot by the coast where we could camp. This was the first time i have been to this island and it seemed very nice. In the evening we had bad weather so we decided to stay with Nadine for a few hours where we could stay warm before heading to the tent to sleep. We had a really good nights sleep as always..

Day 3: We woke up early again because the sun was up nice and early. This morning the weather was good again so it was nice to get up out of the tent. We pack away our things and decided to take the bus back to Kristiansand as we didn’t want to walk along the main streets again.

This was a really nice trip and we got chance to see some of the islands around Kristiansand, which i hadn’t seen before. It was nice to plans and do this trip together as we could go at our own pace the whole time and there was no one who was rushing us to be somewhere. We got chance to fish for the first time and even though it was unsuccessful we had a lot of fun trying!

20.03 – 23.03.2015 

This Weekend I was snowboarding with Jannis, Moritz, Daniel, Wytse, Jais and Sharon. We stayed in a very little cabin on a campsite next to Hovden. It was kind of stressful for me because we where in a cabin witch was made for 4 people and it were the total chaos. But the Snowboarding during the day was so nice that I mostly forgot about that. We had beautiful weather and the Ski resort was nearly empty.

At the first evening we had the opportunity to go floodlight Snowboarding. That was exciting but also a bit scary.

All in all that was a nice Weekend with a lot of Fun, Party and nice Weather 🙂

On Monday morning we drove directly from the campsite to the Meeting point for the Winter Mountain trip.





23.03 -26.03.2015

Mountain Safety Trip Hovden:

This Trip was the most challenging, exiting and interesting Thing i ever did in my life.

The Week was full of: Cross-country skiing with a 17 kg Backpack; 7 Hours digging out a Snow hole; Sleeping in it for 2 Nights; Skiing up a Mountain in a Snowstorm; Building an emergency shelter … AND A LOT OF MORE!!!!





Many things happened in this week. As I wrote before I’m not good in writing my experiences down. If you want to get more information’s about this week or hear some story write me.