
One really important Point is build up your Tent on the right spot. But what is the right spot?

The Place should be first of all flat, dry and without holes –> comfortable to sleep! But that is not all you have to note. Do not build you tent under a tree and the smallest end of the tent against the wind. It should be close to a water source but not under a Rain Water stream. And never build your tent on an animal trail.

If you found a nice spot next step: How to build up the Tent?

First you put up the outside tent. Tent poles always push never pull! If they stuck is something wrong! Fasten the first pluck on the windy edge.

Fasten the inner tent afterwards. Important is that you have a gap between outer and inner and let the air holes open to avoid condensation.

Noteworthy about the Water source:

▪   downstream: washing clothes, dishes, yourself

▪   upstream: drinking/cooking water

▪   you should keep a distance of at least 30 m with the “toilet” from the water source. Dick out a hole but try to keep the grass cover how it is to close the hole afterwards. Put the paper always to the sides and burn is before closing the hole.

But I think the most imported Rule is: