Canoeing Technique

Some Basic Information´s about the canoeing technique:

  • If you are with tow or more people in a canoe you always paddle in displaced sides.
  • The one in the back controls the direction. The one in the front provides.

Basic paddle strokes: Basic stroke forward:

The forward stroke might seem like an intuitive stroke that everyone automatically knows. However, most newbies tend to have the paddle blade too far out from the canoe. This results in propelling the canoe forward, but it also makes it turn.

The paddle should parallel or nearly so the centre or keel line of the canoe, with the paddle blade entering the water at roughly a right angle to the direction of travel.

“J” Stroke:

The J stroke helps the paddler in the back to keep the canoe going straight. The J stroke begins with the standard forward stroke. At the end of the forward stroke, twist the paddle with the grip (top) hand so that the thumb of the grip hand is pointing downward.

The power face of the paddle is the one pulled against the water in the forward stroke. In the J stroke, at the end of the                                                forward stroke, the power face is turned outward, away from                                              the canoe.

Appropriately, the path of the paddle describes a “J.”

Stern and Bow Sweep:

Either one or both paddlers can do this sweep to tern the canoe.
Dow Stroke and stern Stroke:

“one of your most powerful turning strokes”
If both paddlers are doing the same Stroke on the same side you can move the canoe sidewards.
If you want to go backwards you have do do the Strokes in revers direction!