Lighting a Fire

To light a fire three thing are needed. –> Oxygen; Heat; Burning Material!!

Step 1:

To light the fire you neat a “Starter”. For Example: Paper, Wood-chips, Birch bark; Tampon +Vaselin,… –> Important it has to be dry and highly flammable!

Step 2:

Build up small peaces of wood on top of the Starter.

Step 3:

Light the starter. You can use Matches, a Lighter, a fire stick …

–> Now you need patience. Blow easily in to the fire, feat it with first smaller peaces of wood and later bigger ones.

Different Way to build up the Wood on top of the Starter:

Those are some examples but there is not one right way how to do it. Important is that the fire alway gets enough oxygen and you start with small peaces of wood!!