Orienteering with Map and Compass

Alright, i think everyone knows a few fundamental things of navigation- north is always up, the sun rises in the east, and compasses usually point towards magnetic north. But at some point in time, you’ll want to be able to find out where you are, and where you need to go.

Step 1: 

Imagine your on a mountain lookout. You see another mountain, what heading is it?
1. Open the Compass, and lay it flat on the map.
2. Move the compass so that the base is along point A (where you are), and the top is along point B (the other mountain).

Step 2:

 Rotate the bezel until North matches the maps north.



Step 3:

 Read the Bearing on the top of the compass. for example 308NW




Step 4:

1. Remove the compass from the Map and hold it in front of you.

2.Turn the bezel that the red needle points to north.

3.The front ob the compass shows you now the direction of travel.