Ski Technique

If you go cross country skiing you will find three different terrains Uphill, Downhill and flat terrain. In this Article i will explain the basic technique for each terrain.

Flat terrain

  • Kick and glide technique: You kick with one food back and glide with the other one. –> easy and effective!
  • -Skating: It is like inline skating or skating on ice. –> faster but more exhausting

Uphill terrain

  • Hiring boning: Put your skis like a V and push the edges of the ski into the snow while walking.
  • Sidestepping: the skis are parallel to the hill and you go step by step sideward up the hill

Downhill terrain

  • go zickzack and turn with a kick turn.
  • Put the skis like a V by edging on ski you turn into this direction.
  • Ski down the hill and break with step turns up the hill
  • Telemarkturn