Winter Navigation

In the winter everything is cover with snow. You cannot see Streams and lakes anymore. Also Hills and little valleys can disappear completely.

And you also have to calculate the time different. You need a lot more time in the snow!

To navigate in the winter you have to search bigger Mountains or really obviously structures.

But if there is a Whiteout you have a problem!

How can you still find the way?

1  Everybody has to work together!!

2  Person A points with the help of the compass into the right direction –> Person B walks was far as person A can see him into the pointed direction–> person A follows person B   –> Repeating the process

3 Or everybody is holding a rope and the last one is leading with the compass

4  Or you follows always the compass

▪   If you are not sure if there could be a cliff you can have a look with a snowball how deep it goes down!

▪   If it goes downhill or you are on a glacier you should use a rope!

▪   You can also use a GPS as a tool to find out where you are but do not walk with it. It only shows you a strait line no cliffs etc.

▪   And the battery is a sore point!

Important to note:

▪    You still have to eat and drink –> make small breaks!!

▪   Concentration

▪   Everybody has to have something to do –> everybody should use Map and Compass and has to be able to Navigate

▪   Everybody has responsibility, is active and be attentive

▪   Evolve everybody

▪   Everybody has to have the knowledge to build an emergency shelter

You should know where there is the time to stop!!!