4. Winter Mountaineering Trip

Winter Field Trip April 1st – 3rd 2014           Location: Setesdal east, Berdalsbu areas.

This trip was the hardest one for me. He took place in Berdalsbu areas, a mountain place situated in Aust-Agder. The learning outcomes for this trip were:
– Students shall be capable of using the mountain environment in winter as an arena for learning, development and experience. 
– Students master and experience being in the winter mountains as positive.  
We were organized in groups of 5-6 persons. Before start the trip we had to prepared different task about the organization. We had to design two different routes (one designed for a good weather and the other one designed for a bad weather). Also we took into consideration the next items:
–           The framework of the trip, where, when, how..
–           Methods of Improvised shelters.
–           Avalanche prediction and search and rescue methods.
–           Assessment of equipment, clothing and food preparation.
–           Orienteering / route choice and leadership.
–           First aid.
In my opinion it was the trip where we had to put together all of our knowledge about winter mountaineering, acquired in the last trips and lessons.
The days before we were working together, planning different plans taking care about the weather conditions, because they could be change during the trip. So we made plan A and B for each day and also we choose different group goals to achieve during the week, related with safety, biology, movement in the winter mountains etc.
–          Did you achieve the goals for the trip, if not, explain?
In this trip we were divided in two work groups, with different teachers in each one. At the beginning my main focus was the snow cave, because this was a new and fantastic situation, but of course during the trip we did different activities. Thinking about this I think the majority of the goals were achieved, but maybe we had different teaching methods, depend of the teacher in each group.
My teacher was Tim Davis, and he was all the time working hard to explain in a funny and interesting way all the things related with this new hard experience.
In addition to the targets set in the program, Tim was talking about other issues such as meteorology, pollution, wind directions or wildlife of the area in which we stayed. So I have to say, yes, I achieved the goals for the trip.
–          What were your main challenges working in a winter environment ?
In my opinion everyone in this trip put the focus in the snow cave. Of course it was a new experience that the most of us had never lived before. But obviously we were learning new things about the movement in the winter mountains.
One of the most hard challenges was the telemark skiing.
We didn’t have the opportunities to practice it for a long time, because the snow was here for a short time this winter. This mean that the most of us had problems with the ski technique. It was an important learning point, because despite the difficulties the teacher worked hard to keep our motivation. Was continually encouraging us and giving positive feedback. I learnt that everything is possible with a positive mood, therefore if you are working like a leader you have to fight to get it. Also is very important know how the group (physical condition, ski skills, motivation) is and adapt the goal to this conditions.


On the other hand when we were building the snow cave was so explicit how necessary is the team work. We were working all together to build our snow cave. We share the tasks: some of us were working in the snow cave, others collecting wood and preparing the fire and cooking place. But the most important thing is that everyone participated in all activities. It was necessary because build the snow cave get you tired very fast.
Another challenge during the trip was how to stay warm until go to sleep. The first night we tried to make a fire in the snowy ground. Was very easy to light up, but the water of the snow didn’t permit him work well. Was very smoky and the biggest log didn’t burn.
Because of this, the next night we decided don’t make the fire. This mean that when we finished the dinner, some of us decided to go to sleep very fast to keep the warm of the food into the body. It was an option, the other was being moving and wear a lot of clothes (whole). We never can forget drink a lot, and if is possible water drinks.

Also I have to say that for some of us was quite confuse to sleep in the ca
ve. It was very small and also we were afraid about the oxygen. We understood this situation and we try to keep calm with everyone who needed it. At this time we were working like a time, taking care about the others and working together all the time. It was very nice for me.

–          What are the most important learning outcomes regarding the equipment you used on this trip?
One of the most important equipment that we used was the stuff to make the snow cave.
The first thing that we did was find a good snow hill, with enough deep of snow. To measure this we use special sticks with a length of about 5 meters. We put it into the snow, if the deeper is more than 3-4 meters is a good place to start the snow cave.
Then you should start making a big and deep door, cutting the snow in blocks (later they will used to close the door). To cut the snow we used special saws and also the shovels. Once that the door is finish you may start to make the rooms. They have to be 1 meter up from the ground. And they have to be enough bigger to permit to the tallest person in the group can sleep extended.


 When the rooms are finished, and the walls of the cave are regulated, you can make the door smaller to avoid loss heat. To do that you can use branches and snow blocks. Also is suggested to have a candle inside of the cave to be sure that there is enough air.

About the equipment referent to ski: at this time we were practicing telemark skiing using the skins installed in the bottom of the ski. This equipment permitted us be more stables and make easy the way. Some of them were using klister and was very difficult and hard to keep the balance.
–          Nutrition, what did you eat, how did prepare your food, could you improve on your menu?
We decided cook the dinners together. So each one had to take her own food for the rest of the day.
Food first day:
Breakfast: apple juice, banana, bread with cheese.
Snack: dried fruits and nuts.
Lunch: sandwich with tuna and tomatoes+ apple.
Snack: apple
Dinner: chili con carne (chicken meat, beans, corn, tomatoes, onions and paprika)
            Food second day:
                        Breakfast: apple juice, orange, bread with chocolate.
                        Snack: hot chocolate, dried fruits and nuts.
                        Lunch: 2 sandwiches (cheese, lettuce, tomatoes)
                        Dinner: tikka masala (rice, tomatoes, carrots, onions, peepers)
The nutrition is one of the most important items when you are in the mountain. We have to consider food and also drinks, so you have to be conscious that the size of the effort to take enough food to maintain the corporal activity in a good way. I think I made a mistake because I didn’t drink so much water during the day.
If water is loss is high the body will be dehydrated. It can be very dangerous, because, as Eric Langmuir indicate in the book “Mountain craft and leadership”, if you get dehydration you can suffer the next symptoms: lack of energy and early fatigue, nausea, headache, disorientation, shortens of breath. That can affect performance by reducing strength, power and endurance capacity.
I think the menus wasn’t perfects, because I didn’t think all of the features of the trip when I took the food.
We have to take some considerations:
  • energy need (depend of the person)
  • intensity and duration of the activities
  • weather conditions
  • Distribution of energy (breakfast 20%, during the day 50%, evening meal 30%)
  • The proportion of our daily energy which should come from carbohydrate, fat and proteins is: 50-60%, 25-35%, 10-15% respectively.
–          What kind of shelter did you use, how did it function?
We were talking about the emergency situation in the winter mountains, and Tim Davis showed us an emergency shelter. That kind of emergency shelter is a small and simple bag into which the protective fabric is mid. It is very easy to install and it can protect up to 12 people. Also has several features that allow cold outside isolate, has openings to ventilate the interior, and is made with bright colours for better locate in mountain areas.

–          Skiing with a heavy pack is challenging, how did you cope?
One more time ski was hard challenge. Has been long time since the last time that we skied and now we should take our big backpack. The first steep was separated essential from non-essential things (according to the weather).

The second steep was load the backpack in a good way:
–          Snug and organized
–          Everything in
–          Heavy stuff in the bottom
–          Make organized the things that you are going to need during the trip (solar cream, compass, some snacks and food, water, small first aid kid).
The third steep was share the weight. Don’t forget that the total load never has to exceed one third of your body weight.  
If you feel comfortable, then you can start to ski.
–          Why many reindeers die in winter?
In winter time they are always eating the grass between the stones, because is the only food that they can find in the snowy mountain. This mean that they are continuously eroding her teeth. As a result, after a long time they cannot eat, therefore they die because the starve.
–          Pollution in the snow:
When you are skiing in the mountains you can differentiate colours in the snow. Is possible to see some brown areas. The wind haul a lot off pollution between the airs. The air traffic is the biggest consequence of that.
This is a dangerous problem because the snow is transform in water, and the water arrive to the rivers (where we can drink or fishing) and then to the ocean. In this way the pollution is going inside of our body.
–          How to walk in the snow:
The navigation in winter time is different because the features on the ground are changed. The landscape looks different with snow, so could be difficult locate everything in the map. You have to choose always a safety route, taking care with frozen lakes, ice, soft snow or the water´s courses.
Another consideration that Tim gave us is that the best way to get an uphill is walk making Z.
–          DNT:
In the most of the mountain areas in Norway you can see some signal (red T) or cabins. They are belong DNT (National Trekking Association in Norway). Is an organization working to promote trekking and to improve conditions for all who enjoy the country’s broad range of outdoor attractions.
The cabins are open to members and no members. So if you are in the mountain you are free to use the cabin. The only thing that you have to do is take care with everything, make good used with the equipment and pay the fee when you leave the cabin.
The cabins has a common area where the fire place is, a kitchen and some rooms with bunk beds. Also you can find some food and equipment to cook, dry wood etc.