Beginning – first impressions

I arrived at Kristiandsand on 29 of December. I was very exited because this was my first time in Norway. The city appeared boring until the exchange students arrived. The first week I could meet a lot of people and visit the city. I discovered nice places (Banaheia Park, Kristriandsand´s buildings, the port) and  the weather, of course.

In the first classes, we met Johne and Len (they are our new teachers) They talked us about Norewgian society and “Frilufstilv”.

Walking down the street I could see that the people of Norway is very sportsman (everyone is going to the gym, all go by bike or go walking through the forest).

"Jegersberg shelter"

To stroll through the forest, I have also been able to corroborate this sentence Jhone showed in the first class: “the norwegian culture is the norwegian nature”. No matter the time or the weather, I always see people walking with her dog, running, or walking around the field.

All spaces are equipped with installations for enjoying nature: places where do fire, places to sleep, banks to observe the landscape.

All of this only in Kristiandsand. What will I find in other places of Norway?

I look forward to discover it?

Will you join me?