Third norwegian monday trip

Third monday trip with Norwegian students or orientational hike


Like allways meeting point is in front of Spicheren in the morning.The weather is awful it’s windy and rainy all day. Today students are divided into 4 groups, today’s trip is based on orientation competition. In Jegersberg are hided 6 orientation points, every group have maps in which are marked numbers of places from 1 to 6 and every group have different sequence of numbers they need to reach. In every orientation point there are a task. It was tasks like there has to be someone in the group who will walk to the next point on one leg- in our group it was Katja, but we change the startegy and we carry Katja on our shoulders. Also there was list of question which you need to answer it and of course 5 point – go back to your last point :D. It was really good organised trip, but weather was awful and then everything was ruined. Most of the time we was running because we want to win, unfortunately after more than three hours we finished and then we found out that we were second team whose finished- what a pitty. I hear that one team has gave up and went back home. I don’t blame them it was their team decision.
After 30 min. all teams finished. The winner team won the chocolate candy’s, which they shared with other groups. It was very gentle! Then all together like a family we headed back to home.

All in all, The weather was not in our side. I noticed that the weather was bad not only for international students but also norwegians, which should be used to it, but it’s not excuse the people who organise this trip should to check the weather forecast and have a plan B.