Bird watching

2015/04/16 Day 1

We have a trip witch calls Bird watching. So you can easy understand what we will do in this. YES- right answer is we will watch the birds. Today our lecturer is Svein, he is Norwegian friluftsliv students lecturer.

So everything started at 18:00 when I met Sveinoutdoor guys near main university entrance. Svein present himself after several minutes we sat in the cars and drove to the place. The bird watching place was not to far from Kristiansand it was like 15 minutes by car. After we parked our cars we was going to the tent where we will watch the birds and sleep.
During the walk to the place Svein shows us some plants we can eat like wood sorrel, he told us about birch sap- is the sap directly tapped from birch trees- so he told me what I already know and done before it, but it was nice to listen him.

Birch sap ———————————>


When we came to the place Svein told us that our task to see the bird which is called black grouse(Lt- tetervinas)




The other group before us made a nice shelter so we only have to prepare our sleeping bag, sleeping mat.


Later We went out for a walk and Svein teaches us more about eating from the nature. He told us about one guys who was just bite a little bit of poisonous musroom and he was near the death, only because he wanted to check it is it eatable or poisonous mushroom. We saw some birds, Svein try the sounds of various species of birds.

Afterwards we made some dinner, talked about stars and planets, Svein and Sven shows us fancy app where you can define what is the name of star or planet, also we talked about the place- how Svein found this place.
Before going to sleep Svein put two stuffed birds to attract the birds, it was the first time when he was doing this.Tomorrow we will see is it work or not.

Day 2

I woke up several times  at 4, 4:40, 5:00 and unfortunately I didn’t saw any birds just heard them, but the voices was simmilar last evening birds which we already saw. Svein plan with stuffed birds unfortunatelly does’t work, but we had a nice time being together.