Mountain to Fjord


My bygglandsfjord trip started one day earlier than other my groupmates.I started pack my stuff in saturday evening after that I called to my lecturer Len to ask him can I go to Trollaktiv by bike(YES that’s why my trip started earlier). Len said that it’s ok if Steven(my groupmate, who have expierience in cycling) can check my bike.
Sunday 8 o’clock in the morning Steven checked my bike and said that’s fine bike to go  to Evje and that I’m fit enough.I came back at home check my backpack and day pack equipment.

11 o’clock Anne took my not heavy backpack
From 11 till 13 o’clock i was just chilling and thinking about this trip.

                              Warm up before the trip

The adventure begins at 13:00 I started to go by my 1 gear city bike, day pack on my bag, sleeping bag and bivy bag on my bike rack.
Most of the time I was cycling bike route 3- it was kind of nice asphalt and gravel mix.



In the middle of the way I stoped  to rest and eat some snacks and after 3 minutes it started to hale, but fortunatelly the place where i stayed was with roof so I hide my bike and my self under the roof-snack brake took longer than I expected.It hale only 30 minutes so after that i continue my cycling to trollaktiv.

When I reached Trollaktiv it was around 7 o’clock. In the forest near Trollaktiv i found good flat place to set up my camp. At 8 PM everything was set up so i just went to sleep.

Aghhhh sunny day 🙂 I woke up at 8 o’clock packed my stuff, ate some breakfast and waited near Trollaktiv till Len picks me up. At 9.20 Len came to Trollaktiv, we left my groupmates bikes and daypacks at the storage and then went straight ahead to Byggland city where we met other outdoor guys, talked a little bit, prepare canoes and then started to canoeing, ofcourse first of all my groupmates and good friends Sven and Luke thought us how to control canoe, paddling technique and etc.
After 20 minutes we started to padle. I was in one team with Jochen- we were great team. We used 6 canoes(11 students + Lecturer Len). The canoeing was really exciting we saw a picturesque landscapes singing songs ( I learnt one german song about traveling by boat)

During the paddling we did water orientiering, also our lecturer Len adviced us what we doing wrong, what we need to do if canoe will turn upside down and we fall into cold fjord water, why we ussually need to paddle near the coast and other important and intresting things.


Second part of the day it was not so nice first it started to rain later it was hale and strong wind so it was bad conditions to learn the basics of paddling. That’s why we decided that  will end our paddling earlier.
We found a nice beach where we decided to stay. We set up in Berge, we made a big shelter at the beach using two tarps and two canoes we made a fireplace between this two tarps we ate a dinner , then me and Jochen was going by the coast and picking stuff which fjord bring to the shore,And we made a lot of cool things from that. After that we went to sleep.


I woke up at 8 o’clock it was foggy outside, but as I expected in the middle of the day it was very sunny and without wind-perfect day to paddling. I ate breakfast, packed my stuff, we cleaned our camp area and started to paddle. Today my paddling partner is Adele.

As I said the weather was perfect so everybody was good mood.
this day we also did water orientiering, we was learning how to control the canoe when you are on eddai, how to prevent spinning around and under controling. We reached our final day destination point(Trollaktiv) at 4PM so some of our groupmates chose to go on rafting after that. In the evening we planned our tomorrow trip, ate dinner and after the dinner we all went to sleep.


In the third day of our trip we started by 20 kilometres bike ride to a rock climbing area. But before that we stoped at the bakery in Evje –according to Len is the best bakery in Norway where you can find the best bread.

                 Jolinda ready to climb


Later we came to the climbing area set up camp,ate lunch and then Len showed us how to rig up top rope routes, set up abseils and  how to choose the routes which are good for the childrens, talked about the climbing rout names and how they came from.

We set up six routes to climb and we each climbed them all and abseil , one of the route I finished using only one hand and one I finished during the rain, so as you might understood that the second half of the day it was not very nice.

In the evening we set up a campfire, ate dinner, talked . Len was telling us all sorts of stories about Norway and his young army days. I slept together with Sven, Kirby, Jochen and Will. Luke and Yolinda set up their hamacs, Len was sleeping in the tent and Anne, Moritz and Janis was sleeping under the tent.  It was good day I learnt a lot about climbing and I think now we have better sense of cohesion than we had before.


In the morning we ate breakfast packed all our gear, clean the area and then started to go back to the Kristiansand It is a long ride approximately 70 km. of mountain uphill and downhill road. The ride was very nice I really enjoyed it.  The morning flew by, as Len kept on making little stops to teach us about the history of the area. Also we stoped at cafeteria in Vennesla, where we drank some coffe and ate some donnuts.

During the ride Will bike had broke, so he had to went home by bus. When we finally reached Kristiansand we stoped near K4G(my dormitory) and then Len said:

“Osvaldos are you living here?”
“Ok guys let’s applause to Ozzy”

And then all guys applaused to me I felt so proud of myself! It was the first time when people was applausing me!

It was definitely the best trip ever by far 🙂 , everyone on the trip was a really good time to hang out with and we had beautiful weather at the last day.