Mountain safety field trip 2015/03/23-26

This trip is about skiing, learning skiing techniques, winter navigation, searching good spot for snow hole using avalanche probe, making snowhole, group emergency shelter, solo emergency shelter, snow-igloo, sleeping in the see snow-igloo.
Here you can find trip plan
Day 1

This day started by going to the bus station and taking the buss to Hovden. After 3 or more hours I’m with other outdoor guys are in the small village near Hovden, which calls Berdalsbu, there Tim and Len(our instructors) were already waiting for us so don’t waited anything we put our stuff into the Van and started to ski. Our final destination point for today was DNT hut.
So during the skiing we did orientiering, everybody at some time was Vierleader. At 15 o’clock we came to our hut,put all our stuff and then all groups were searching a good place for digging snowhole.All groups were divided in diferrent directions. Unfortunatelly our group didn’t found a good spot for snowhole because wind direction and place was not good for making snowhole for 4 persons. 2 Other groups found good spots where you can make a snowhole. After that we decided where we will set up our snowhole village.
Afterwards we had time to relax or ski. I chose to ski so me and Wytce we were at the top of the mountain it was more than 1km height so it was very windy, but fortunatelly we were able to see the beauty of this picturesque landscape 🙂
Later we came back to our hut, Tim told us how this hut system works, the history of that and etc. This night we spent in DNT hut.


Day 2

Today we had some skiing, we learned telemark turns and other techniques. During that Tim told us how to make a snow profile, also we talked about different type of snow shelters. At 11 o’clock we came to place where we started to make 2 snow holes and 2 snow-igloo. I was in Annes Acrobat team (look at the trip plan) so we did Snow-igloo.
So here some tips how you need to make a snow-igloo:
Step 1
Find a place where there is more than one meter snow (using avalanche probe or other materials which are more than 1 meter long )

Step 2
Dig a 1.5m diameter 1m hole  (depends of numer of persons)

Step 3
Dig a tunnel to hole

Step 4
When the hole and tunnel is already prepared, six persons jump in that hole and standing   in the circle put arms on each other shoulders and bend a little bit.

Step 5
Other person whose are not in the hole put tarp on six persons whose standing in the hole

Step 6
Other persons whose are not in the hole throw the snow on the tarp. It have to be very fast. The persons whose are under the snow they must be about 15-20 minutes and try not to move.

That´s how it looks from inside

When snow-igloo was already finished we take a break and Tim talked about snow profile, how check the place where you can make a snowhole for 2-4 persons (ans. check the terrain,wind direction, put avalanche probe vertically when you are up hill and orizontally where you want to start to dig a hole and if you can put all avalanche probe in both directions it’s mean that place is good)
 Later we finished complitely our snow shelters, made some food and went to sleep. It was not very easy to sleep when you see that your cielings are snow and 30 cm above your head, but it was very warm because i had a good sleeping bag.
I’m happy that all guys manage to sleep in the snow shelters and sleeping together and making snow shelters together made us close each other like a family members.

Day 3

The day started bad we didn’t manage to meet at 10 o’clock as we supposed to do so other guys including were waiting others, that was very bad because it is not very nice when you waiting outside and it’s snowing and blowing stormy wind, so this aspect reduce our cohesion level. All our group members were ready at 11 o’clock, because of that we stopped  at DNT hut to discuss about that. After we did ski touring, ski down avalanche and tried to made telemark turns.
Afterwards we tried group emergency shelter and take a lunch break in it./
 Later we come back to the hut to discuss our day. And after 1 hour we came back to our snow-igloo to sleep one more night.

Day 4
Every day the weather getting worser and worser.  This day our task was to made solo emergency shelter to yourself.
So like everyday we started day by skiing and orientiering,
after that we had a task to make an emergency shelter in 20 min. My emergency shelter was eally good and maybe even for 2 persons , I was imagining this situation so I worked very fast and productive. Unfortunatelly nobody didn´t took a picture of it, but In the picture you can see Sven´s emergency shelter.
Unfortunatelly, it was just only training and instructors wanted to check us-can we do that fortunatelly most of us made good emergency shelters and wasn´t afraid to sleep in it.
And honestly it was too dangerous because wind was 18m/s or even more so after 1.5 hours skiing we finished our trip. It was really nice trip. I´m really excited about this trip and I will remember this trip all my life.

Learning outcomes :
Better orientiering skills
How to define where you can make emergency shelter
Working together
Working using shifts
How to make snow-igloo, ice-igloo, snowhole
Skiing techniques