First norwegian monday trip

First monday trip with Norwegian students to Omvente båt(upside boat)


Today is our (Friluftsliv) group first trip. This trip is organised by Norwegian Friluftsliv students. From now on 5 mondays in a row we will have this trips. From this trip my traveling season is started. I’m so excited.

12th of January it was very cold, rainy and as i expected in Norway with some of snow day.But as a Norwegians say there is not bad weather, there is only bad clothing. So our meeting place was in front of Spicheren at 8:30 as i remember. At the meeting point one of norwegian students was today’s trip Vierleader who present the plan of today’s trip, they introduce themselves. Then before we leave that place everyone take some logs so everyone was involved, we play the icebraker game in which you standing in the circle and you need to say all names which you heard before your name.
After that we went to one of the most famous place in Jegersberg “Upside boat”. “Upside boat” name comes from the stone which is on the peak of the mountain and it looks like an upside down boat. This place is near the city and it’s quite high place so from here you can see beatiful Kristiansand landscape such a Oderoya island, Jegersberg, Otra river, Kristiansand city and etc.
During the trip we stoped at the green arena where we pull the rope to warm up. I think it was a good game to brake the ice for the better conversation.
The plan was to hike to the “upside boat” and then take a lunch, but unfortunatelly the weather was not in our side as i said it was raining and wind was strong all day.We took some pictures and then we walk down to search a place where was less windy to take a lunch.
The Norwegians students set up two fireplaces and we start to eat our food.During our lunch Norwegian students told the stories about Norwegians (Søndag tur) sunday trip traditions, that every Norwegian should to take an orange and chocolate bar which calls “kvikk lunsj” and if you camp fire you need to have sausages with bread on it when you go to sunday trip.
Also we tried to get to know better each other, but Norwegians was’nt very talkative. Maybe it’s because their mentalitet or bad weather…
All in all, it was a good organised trip focus on camp fire, grilling and icebraker activities. They introduce us how typical Norwegian family/sunday trip looks like. We get to know each other what i think it was most important.