Second norwegian monday trip

Second monday trip with Norwegian students or Team building trip to Jegersberg


19th of January. Quite nice weather maybe a little bit coldy, but it doesn’t destroy my perfect mood for today. We gathered as allways in the morning in front of Spicheren. The Norwegian students gave us a pile of wood and then introduced with today’s trip plan.
First of all we was divided in small mixed groups of norwegians and international students.
The first task was to create a strecher for an injured person and carry him/her to the green area in Jegersberg. In this task we were good organised and that lead us to the victory! After some minutes other groups came.

During the waiting to other Luke and Jais show us a game which calls Ninja-everybody standing in the circle and can move only arms the objective is to hit opponent hand and save yours also you have only one move in turn. It was very entertaining game and it don’t took long time to get the rules.

When everybody gathered we played second game. It was really interesting game.The main rules is to hold each other hands and cover our eyes when two of the group members see everithing and say us where we need to go. I Think it is very good team building game because it based on trust each other These two of the groupmate whose take the lead and responsibility of his team they improve their leadership skills

Third game was spider web game. In this game you need to figure out how to cross it spider web which is made by ropes. It is not so easy how it looks like if one of your group member touch the “spider web” you need to start from begining, so it takes time, but on the other hand it is (lavina) your magination organised skills and creativity.

After we had a task to make a shelter with a tarp. After when it builts, we need to explain to other groups why we take this spot for making location, what is the benefits of this location. I really enjoyed this objective because i didn’t have a lot of experience how to create a shelter, but we was learning before on theorical lessons, so i wasn’t afraid to be one of the leader. Our shelter and location where we setle in was one of the best.

Last but not least game was like a competition. Each group have to make a fire and burn rope which are above the fireplace.Whose does it first wins.

It was great day I made a better contact with international and Norwegian students.We end the day with nice campfire.

To sum up, The norwegian students show us that frilufsliv it’s mean enjoying of being and living in the nature and it’s easer to do it when you are with group.