Students organised trip to Kjeragbolten trip

2015/05/25 Day 1

Well, this trip started by hitchhiking near Statoil gas station in Krisiansand. I decided to hitchhike with my friend Marina. Here you can find a plan of Kjeragbolten trip

So the hitchhiking was very successful because it took only a hour when the car stopped. The driver was very nice and gentle guy name Tomas. His final destination point was also Stavanger so he took us there. During the road trip we talked about our trips and hobbies for the most the time.?

Also Tomas stopped at the place which have very picturesque landscape, it calls “Utsikten”(“the view”)
We stopped just for few minutes, then we continued the journey and after 4 hours at 6:30 PM Tomas brought us near the ferry place. After that we were checking the schedule of the ferries and busses to Lyseboten. We found out that there is one ferry on Tuesday so the rest of the day we decided to explore the city of Stavanger, we went to a lot of places like central park-where you can see a nice fountain; also we went through coloured hauses street; enoyed the view of Stavanger harbour.

Later on, after long day, finally we decided to sleep somewhere in the city, we found kind of cousy and good covered by tries place in the middle of Stavanger center. So we set up the tent and slept very well because we were very tired.



2015/05/26 Day 2

We woke up early, packed our stuff and went straight ahead to the ferry station because of yesterday holiday the information center of ferries was closed so today we got a chance to talk to them get to know more information about our trip. And when everthing was already planned I came to tourist information office just to check information about this trip.

And then booooom. They said to us that in Kjerag trips usually begins at 13th of June, we had no idea about that and we got to know that there is possibility to hike only with snow shoes and the instructor, who need to lead us- so it costs a lot.

We change our plans, we decided to go hiking to Sandnes. During the hike we found a nice park for sport and leisure.Where we saw a lot of different species of birds  like ducks, swans, black-headed gulls and etc.

This birds were more familiar than birds we usually meet in nature

Later we continued our trip and we walked about 40 km,  then in the highway we tried to hitchhike to Sandnes and we were lucky after 10 minutes , the car stopped and took us where we could take the buss to the center of Sandnes, where is the buss and railway stations. After  a few minutes we took that buss and arrived to the center. We booked the train tickets for the next morning 4:49 AM to Kristiansand.

Later we had the rest of the day to explore the city. Unfortunatelly we couldn’t find any outdoor attraction in the city, so we set up our tent again in the middle of the city and went to sleep.


2015/05/27 Day 3

We woke up very early at 4:30, packed our stuff and went to our train, which lead us to the final destination of this trip-Kristiansand.


In conclusion I’m very proud of myself and my friend Marina because we made more than 40 km distance  with a lot of obstacles and heavy rucksacks on our backs. I gain a lot of experience.

All in all, I found out that sometimes, you need to plan every details, but on the other hand now I will have one more cool story, which I can tell to my grandchildren.