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The network arch bridge is an arch bridge with inclined hangers. Some of the hangers cross each other at least twice.
If you are not familiar with network arches and have 4 minutes, you can read the first page of The Network Arch.
If you want more information you might start reading Preliminary Design of Network Arch Road Bridges with two examples spanning 93 m and 120 m. You can find it here.
If you would like to have a good general updated knowledge on network arches, read "On Network Arches for Architects and Planners".
There is a lot of information in the 18 pages in "About The Network Arch". It can be found here.
A lot of information on network arches can be found here. These 15 pages were presented at NSBA World Steel Symposium in San Antonia, USA, November 2009.
If you are looking for information on a specific piece of information, it might be best to look at the index on page 2 of "Systematic Thesis"
The most extensive information on network arches can be found in Stephan Teichs dissertation which can be found here http://www.qucosa.de/fileadmin/data/qucosa/documents/8604/Dissertation_Teich.pdf. It is in German.
The Brandanger network arch in western Norway. Span 220m. The worlds most slender arch bridge.