Self organised trip
After the ski course in Evje we felt comfortable with doing a trip on our own and I was very excited about our first big skitour. After some researching we decide on a tour around Adneram, which seemed to fit our needs very well, as it was close to DNT huts and supposed to be in very nice nature.
Unfortunately we had to change our plans due to too high avalanche risk and bad weather. So we came up with a plan B which was located in Ljosland, where the weather wasn’t supposed to be better, but we could stay to a prepared skitrack at all times and the avalanche risk was lower.
We started driving on Sunday just after lunch and reached our starting point at around 4pm. Just minutes on the track we realised that our choice of wax, was not the right thing for the snow conditions. We had no grip at all and had to herringbone every little uphill. That fact an the weight of the big backpack made the first part of just over one kilometer way harder than we expected. We still reached our first camping spot before dusk and had a nice dinner under the stars. The night was good but I was really surprised when I woke up and left the tent: The cloudless sky from the day before was gone, instead it was really foggy.

navigating in bad sight – with NicolaVeileder
The bad sight and the knowledge that the wax we brought was not going to make a big change, was lowering our enthusiasm a bit, but we still were willing to ski and were hoping for better conditions soon, as the weather fwas supposed to change soon. Unfortunately the sight got worse and worse and we had really big troubles staying on the track. We passed some Norwegian skiers on our way – or they passed us – and I was really surprised to see other people skiing voluntarily in these conditions. Due to the low visibility and the big backpacks, we were moving much slower than we expected and pretty soon we thought we might not make it to the campsite for the first day. That apprehension became more and more clear when we were skiing in the wrong direction for quite some time and we needed the help of two very nice Norwegians and the eagle eyes of Nicola Kretzer to find the right path. For lunch time we reached the first DNT hut and gained some power after a tough morning. There we had our first discussion about changing the plan to an eaiser route. But we kept on, even though the conditions were really bad and the skiing was not much fun due to no visibility and zero grip. One or two kilometers after the DNT hut with some very steep hills we decided to return to the hut and camp just next to it. That turned out to be a very reasonable decision, as the sight decreased even more. Moving on wouldhave added unnecessary risk to our trip, so we decided to sleep somewhere safe. The mood in the group was still good, regarding the circumstances and we made clear everybody was happy with the change of plans.

camping in winter
After another night in the tents we decided to head back to the car and not finish the roundcourse as we planned, because all our gear and the tents were soaking wet. Even though the weather had changed completely we stuck to the change of plans and enjoyed the last couple of kilometers back to Ljosland. It was very interesting how the whole skiing became so much easier with the change of the weather.

Arriving happy and exhausted after the adventure
So we reached the car after three hours skiing and headed to the cabin, for a nice and more relaxing end of our adventure.

relaxing in Tims cabin