Sea kayaking!

I was excited for this day trip because I really enjoyed myself at the kayaking practice on the river in Kristiansand. At the practice we learned about the kayak and paddle in general, how to control the kayak with different paddle techniques, we did balance exercises and getting out of the kayak if we capsized. I thought I did alright there and I had a lot of fun so I was excited for sea kayaking.

We met at the same parking lot as for Donnevann and we unloaded the kayaks and prepared ourselves for a long trip. We were paddling around the islands and the coastline and learning more about the sea map and how to navigate and lead a group on sea. We each took turns leading and I took us between two islands and onto the beach where we had a long nice lunch in the sun. Everything had been going alright with paddling and keeping the kayak on track so I was feeling pretty confident.

Then after lunch and figuring out the next step I started paddling backward to have a word with Len and I was suddenly underwater. I have no idea what happened or how it happened because it happened so fast and capsizing when you are prepared and capsizing out in the sea when you don’t mean to are two completely different things. I didn’t fully understand what was happening so I tried to get back up but it wasn’t working and when I realized that i had to relax and go fully under I tried to take one last breath but got a mouthful of ocean  instead. Then I had thought I should just get out and pulled my skirt off and pushed myself out. When I came up for air I noticed that Len was closest to me so I grabbed the front of his kayak and waited for the others to form a raft that I could use to climb out of the ocean. Then they got my kayak turned and I went back to the beach to switch into dry clothes.
This was definitely an experience but after this I felt very insecure and nervous kayaking. Especially when we had to go more into the open sea where there was more wind and bigger waves than before. I had a hard time relaxing and keeping control over the kayak so the wind swept me away sometimes and it felt really difficult to get back on track.
Still I had a good time and enjoyed myself and I will definitely go kayaking again, in the beginning I liked kayaking better than canoeing because you are only one in a kayak and you are responsible for yourself, you sit closer to the water and I felt like I was going faster than when canoeing. But after capsizing I thought that maybe it’s better in canoes because if you capsize there are two in the water and you get to share the experience with someone 🙂
I definitely learned that you have to react quickly if someone in your group capsized because I tried to grab onto something to turn myself around but couldn’t reach anyone. Things can change in seconds and you can’t panik but have to stay relaxed and react right. I think this was good for me so if this ever happens again I am more likely to react better and also if someone in my group capsized I will be really fast to get to the person and help.