Outdoor Recreation Act. Norway-Spain

In Norway you can do almost everything as long as you do not disturb anybody and you respect the environment and the nature.

Act of 28 June 1957 No. 16 Relating to Outdoor Recreation 

Relating to outdoor recreation Norwegian Act we can highlight some of the most important rules:

  • There are “cultivated and uncultivated” lands.
  • Public right of access to and passage through the countryside and the right to spend time there. People are allowed to go anywhere while not destroying anything and not disturb anyone.
  • Any person is entitled to access to and passage through cultivated land when the ground is frozen or snow-covered, but not in the period from 30 April to 14 October.
  • People are entitled to access to and passage through uncultivated land at all times of year, provided that consideration and due care is shown.
  • It is permitted to park on uncultivated land alongside a public road, provided that this does not cause any significant damage or inconvenience.
  • In any case nobody is allowed to camp closer than 150 metres to an inhabited house. Any person has to leave his camp after a short period (2 days).
  • It is not permitted to use sites on cultivated land for picnicking, sunbathing, staying overnight or the like without the permission of the owner or user.
  • Any person is permitted to use the sea or lakes for bathing.
  • People aren’t allowed to use helicopters, snowmobiles or something like that in the nature for their own use (fun). Only for person transporting.

In Spain we do not have a law that regulates everything surrounding nature. We have three or four different laws and also the nature is regulates by the different Spanish communities (CCAA). They make specifics regulations to outdoors activities.

  • Access: Anyone can use public areas as long as the respect the nature, environment, etc. However, private areas are not allowed to use them.
  • If you want to use the sea, lakes and so on you need a specific permission.
  • Camping is not allowed. You must go to a private camping if you want to spend the night outside.
  • If you want to take a event in a natural environment you need a CCAA permission.