The first six weeks we were supposed to organise a trip every Monday together with the norwegian class. The first three times, it was their turn and last ones it was our turn. Unfortunately I missed the two first monday trips as I was sick and got really bad blister at my heels.
I decided not write about every single Monday trip as they were all pretty similiar. The learning outcome and aim in general were:
- most important: get to know the norwegians
- have fun
- improve navigation skills
- improve fire building skills
- improve group cohesion in our group
- improve organisational skills
- group dynamics
- get to know different kind of group dynamic games and activities
- physical activity
- be outside and enjoy nature
The first weeks everyone was motivated and willing to join the trips as the semester has just started and everything was still new and exciting. But you could with every trip there were less people joining. The trips were pretty similiar every week and as there was no more snow after the second trip, it kind of got boring walking around and playing games in Jegersberg. I had to organise the last Monday trip and as the norwegians just returned from their snowhole trip, they were pretty exhausted and tired. That Monday, only one guy showed up and besides from our group organising the day (5 people), there were also not more then 6 from our class. We planned a nice “Schnitzeljagd”, where you are supposed to go from station to station with your group and suceed different kinds of tasks. With such few people it was not possible to conduct that plan. I can tell that we were kind of upset and mad. It was a beautiful day and with the wood we bought, we all went to Jegersberg and had a pretty nice time hanging around in the sun at the campfire and chatting. We all said, that this was the best Monday trip we have ever had. It was easy, informal and relaxed. Nobody was “forced” to do any kind of activity, they didn’t want to do. And I guess that was the actual aim of those trips: having a great time together!