First Overnight trip to Jaegersberg- 27th-28th of January
Unfortunately there was no more snow and we got 14 hours rain instead. We were divided into different tent and cooking groups. My group was with Line (Denmark), Saedis (Iceland) and Max (Germany). We got one tent together and prepared a dinner for the food competiton.
14:00 arriving at Jeagersberg and putting up the tents on a flat, “dry” area
15:00 Group dynamics: Every country had to present and a typical team building game, which is good for goup dynamics and cohesion. Our game was the celtic knot, where everyone has to grab with eyes closed to other, different hands. Then the whole group needs to entied the knot through communication. As we are a quite big group, it would have been better to divide into two smaller groups. Other games, like the czequ were mostly relays and competitions with a lot of running, which was great because of the cold weather.
17:00 cooking competiton: preparing a proper dinner in 20 minutes, attention should be paied to different contents: enough liquid, fat (oil), carbohydrates (pasta/rice…), protein (fish/meat), vitamins (vegetables). It is really important to have a good tasty and warm dinner, that the body gets energy for the night and the next day. Without you will freeze more easily at night. Our dish was a fish curry with coconut milk and pasta. It got second place out of six.
18:00 After that competiton everyone was really hungry and soaked through, because it was still raining. Len went home and we started making our own dinner. Most of the people already prepared their meal at home, so that we just needed to warm it up. As every group had just one stove, Max, Saedis and me just ate our dinner cold, we were so hungry, that we couldn’t wait any longer for our turn at the stove. This storm kitchen we got from uni takes really long to heat something up. After some chatting in the big group tent, everyone went straight to bed at around 20:00 o’clock. Everything was just wet and cold, so there was no reason to stay outside any longer.
The overnight trip was a good first experience, you get to know people better and I could test my gear. By the way my gear is really really nice, I was almost dry and had a really warm and cozy night. Even though Max and Line not. It seemed like they were talking and complaining every other hour, so I didnt got that much sleep.