Assignment #11: Ostre Randoya

What: Island Trip with Norwegian Class

When: May 28th- June 1st

Where: Ostre Randoya Island

NOw writing this with only having 11 days left in this miraculous place I am so glad we had the chance to do one last class trip with everyone including the other 20 something Norwegians. There was a lot involved in this trip and people did many things for the first time. My firsts included row boating and sea kayaking, both great but kayaking was definitely better and less work.

Day 1-

Monday morning we met at the pier to load all of our 50+ rucksacks onto a carrier boat and then we all packed in a water taxi to take us over to the island wed be staying on for the week. This first island wasn’t your average little island in the middle of nowhere. It was actually an old army base.There were barracks , look out towers, huge underground command stations and much more. This was years ago so now they use a lot of it as storage or for scouts. Since we had so many people we were split into two houses. There were 4 groups total each with a mixture of internationals and Norwegians. My group and another stayed in the old army base hospital that was actually pretty nice. It had a bunch of rooms with enough beds for all of us. It also had a big dining area, couches, a shower and even a pretty decent kitchen. We lucked out with ours while the other two groups were jus in a building of solely beds. Each group had differnt activities everyday. My groups first one started at 2pm and was motor boats. It was nice having this the first day as it ended up downpouring and got pretty chilly. My boat broke down so we had to tie it to the big one and drive that instead. Ive never driven small motor boats like this only speed boats so it was a little different. We finished around 5 soaking wet and cold but thankfully we were staying inside that night so we all ran back took warm showers and got into dry clothes. …..(rest of night??) games in cabin

Day 2-

The following day started off around 10am in rowboats. This was probably my least favorite just because it required more strength and wasn’t as enjoyable. We rowed around the islands for 2 hours getting to know the lay of the land and our teacher Sveine giving us all the tips. It rained a bit this morning as well but didn’t down pour. We finished around noon and made some lunch before our next session that started at 2 which was sea kayaking basics. I had never been sea kayaking before either so was pretty excited for it. For the first part we just learned about the basic techniques and safety aspects before going on a short trip around the islands. The winds were picking up so the waves were quite strong. It was a really good first experience and i felt safe because my classmates were experienced and i knew if i were to capsize they’d save me in no time. ……fishing, filleting and raps, ticks and failed fishing

Day 3-

Every morning we were to meet at 10 am ready to go. The majority of us are not morning people so we’d be up til 1am or so (since it never actually gets dark out) and not wake up until 9 or later. It was a later start then what we’ve been used to which made it very relaxing. It was meant to be the warmest this day getting up to 30 degrees Celsius. First thing on the agenda for the day was to go on a 2.5 hour


Day 4-