The Inverted Boat

January 8,2018


Sunday was our first day of hiking. Total it was around a 4 hour hike up the icy hills to get to the top for some spectacular views! It is apparently called the Inverted or “upside down” boat. It has been quite some time since I’ve done any hiking especially one up an icy “trail”. I loved every minute of it though. Only slipped twice(surprisingly). It is about a 5 minute walk from my apartment so I know I will go many times. We got some great pictures hiking up and a bunch at the top as well. At the top, a friend has made homemade scones and a handful of people brought tea. We were all shivering at the top so the tea was great for warming us up! First glimpse of Norway hikes and I cant wait for more.


No(r)way this is where I live.

Welcome to my first blog on the new site! Under the “Assignment” tab I will be posting all my field trip adventures for my class as that is my graded homework. It will be detailed descriptions of where we went, what I learned, etc. I’ll post some pictures with them as well! Under the “Blog” tab (where you are now) I will be posting other thoughts and adventures I go on outside of my program. I thought it would just be easier to put it all on one site!

Onto the fun stuff…It has been 2 full weeks from today that I’ve been calling this my “temporary home”. It’s been out of this world. I always have a blast traveling whether it’s to Chicago for 5 days or to Africa for 2 weeks. But this time was obviously very different and completely new territory. I wasn’t just taking a small vacation here, I was moving my life here for a short amount of time…its been extraordinary. The views, the people, my outdoor class…first time i’ve actually ENJOYED going to school in a very, very long time. For those of you that don’t know, I got accepted into an Outdoor Education Leadership Program where we will learn practical outdoor skills for leading others in activities or lifesaving events. Solely for my class I have been on multiple long hikes, rock climbing, swimming for lifesaving course, cooking outdoors, building fires, camping and there is about to be a whole lot more.

It has only been 2 weeks and I’ve done more here already than I would do in 2 months in Nebraska. No offense to America but we really need to get with it, we are SO distant from the rest of the world it’s astonishing. We have such a wall between us. I saw this in Africa but this is my first time in Europe and it’s crazy. Specifically to Norway- it is very clean and taken care of, you can tell the water and air is cleaner and this is the one of the happiest places in the world(look it up). People take care of each other here and truly respect one another. A big reason for that is how children are raised. We learned about this in my Outdoor Education class but in kindergarten, instead of kids being stuck inside all day learning about (sometimes) pointless things, they get their snow clothes on and are sent out in to the mountain with their teachers. There, they are surrounded by trees, rocks, snow and endless possibilities for their imagination. They are given knives to build things (yes, knives) because here they aren’t taught that knives are weapons, they are TOOLS. Teachers then let them go off and LEARN and expirement for themselves and that right there changes how they will be as adults.(I’ll go into detail about that later on) but I truly believe in this way of teaching and really think it needs to be implemented in America and other countries.

I could go on and on but i’ll save that for another day, until then you can check out my adventures thus far on my Facebook

Hope you enjoy, because I sure am!



P.s. if you feel inclined comment and let me know what you think, thanks!