Tangen collage project
Aim of the Tangen collage project was to prepare and organize a few tasks for students from high school.
We prepare 8 tasks: fire, orienteering, canoeing, abseiling, 2 x group dynamic games, slackline, first aid. Me, Eva and Flo prepared First aid station which contain acting situation, memory game with stuff for FIK and outdoor equipment, and puzzle game. During project, we could change our station so I tried to organize group dynamic game.
Timi organized running of all activities. Activities take placed in the morning from eight to twelve and in the evening from six to eight. We met tree groups of students which were divided into eight groups.
I think that better atmosphere and student were more motivated during evening. In the morning it was obvious that they were tired and didn’t sleep enough time. I suppose, it was mainly because of cold weather during night and they hadn’t sufficient equipment for sleep. Even though the weather wasn’t good during all week (cold and rainy) and some of the students didn’t enjoy tasks, our organization was very good and most students had a fun.
Group dynamic:
I think that some groups cooperated very well. In some group cohesion wasn’t so “stick” and it was obvious that group didn’t work well. In some groups some students took the leader position, leaded, organized, motivated and supported all group. The bad weather and tiredness had impact on the group dynamic as well.