6th Monday trip 06.03. – Team Building Activities
This Monday trip was organized by our group (international students) concretely by George, Bowen, Connor and Max.The topic of this day was teambulding. We attended four tasks:
- The first one was about spider net – we had to move all our group through net by holes and we can use one hole only once. In the first time it looked difficult but we did it and all group cooperated.
- In the second task we had to fold tarp to the smallest piece and concurrently the all group had to stay on the tarp. First we took partners on the back and our cooperation was also good. Second time we tried to took our partner on shoulders, we thought that we saved more space but did not happen :-). For keeping warm we played the same game which was presented by Mel and Bowen during the overnight sleeping.
- In third game we were in a couple one from the couple was blind and second had to navigate him/her through obstacle course.
- Fourth game was very similar to game which we also played during the overnight sleeping. We had four circles from rope represented Islands and we had to move all our group only by stepped in these circles. Because of lot of snow we played also disorganized snowfight 😀
Main points:
For me this monday trip was the best. I think good organization and good teambulding activities. I assume good time for these activities because now we know each other but we still didn’t know each other enough. All of these games were contact. I think that we enjoyed them more than before because we lost our shyness and we didn’t have the problem to be closer each other and some of us enjoyed this 😀